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You truly are a stipling master!
Thanks, now if I can just stop messing around with it...:D
can any of our resident NSW/SEAL experts answer this question; 'does the MK18mod1 have any identifying marks on the receiver, like the 'mod1'?
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8623/dsc04583x.jpg |
Whole forum devoted to the mk18. |
Finished two winter projects tonight, booyah.
"Z4" http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s...psfadb6ec6.jpg - Mechbox internals from Modify - Teinly F5000 motor - Everything to do with airseal from Madbull (387-391 fps w/ 0.2g) - 355mm tightbore barrel - Programmable burst fire mosfet and 11.1v lipo in stock. CQB M4 http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps89aaf9a9.jpg - Prometheus high speed gears w/ Element high speed motor - 300mm tightbore barrel (339-348fps w/ 0.20g) - Mosfet chip and 11.1v Lipo in the peq box - Small profile stock to fit better with a 6094 PC - 3 AAA flashlight because I ran out of funding |
We m4 aeg
Sorry for the low res photos.
My add-ons to my WE M4 AEG. This was not a cheap endeavor, but well worth it in the end. I will be running an 11.1 LiPo to make this thing a little scarier. External add-ons: Magpul PTS MOE stock Magpul PTS MOE hand guard Magpul PTS RSA Steel Magpul PTS AFG2 SureFire Gen 2 tac light (680 lumen) with knockoff mount Magpul PTS MOE hand guard rails Aimpoint Micro T-1 replica I also grabbed 4 Magpul PTS PMAG midcaps not shown. I also still need a pressure switch for the light or else it'll be thumbsies for me. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.n...06431248_n.jpg What's going into it as I type: Lonex Titan High Speed/Torque Motor Lonex Polymer Piston + piston head Silver coated Teflon wiring Deans connector Gate MERF 3.2 mosfet Sorbo pad Ignore the stuff in the photo not listed as it is irrelevant. http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...ps00dc8eca.jpg |
Here's my on going project gun (Although I think I finally made up my mind).
My G&G Top Tech M4 started off pretty basic. http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/...R/40ca7df9.jpg But then I saw all those sweet Magpul rifles and decided "Two ton Magpuled up gun... I think so", and that first pic eventually became this. http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/...ps37832c3a.jpg But... It wasn't enough for me... And eventually it became boring... Until I learned the fun of impressions!!! So now its starting its MK18 Mod 1 transformation, and I'm loving every minute of it. Still needs a lot though, but that's the fun part of replicating an issued firearm. http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/...psd4c21cc9.jpg |
"Cleanup, aisle me." ;-P |
And Tyson, the Mk18 looks great.
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