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Off_kilter February 16th, 2013 17:23

You truly are a stipling master!

RacingManiac February 16th, 2013 17:36

Thanks, now if I can just stop messing around with it...:D

spartan117 February 17th, 2013 05:01

Avalon mk18 mod 0

MaciekA February 17th, 2013 07:14


Originally Posted by XZIVR (Post 1758009)
Taking pics of my gun to sell, but doing so makes me stop to appreciate it and get the urge to make one last post here..

Awww nooo... I thought us stubby-stock Diablo owners were supposed to stick together. Why the sale?

rockafella February 18th, 2013 05:28

can any of our resident NSW/SEAL experts answer this question; 'does the MK18mod1 have any identifying marks on the receiver, like the 'mod1'?

Spike February 18th, 2013 08:06


Originally Posted by spartan117 (Post 1761894)

It's.... beautiful....

XZIVR February 18th, 2013 19:18


Originally Posted by MaciekA (Post 1761903)
Awww nooo... I thought us stubby-stock Diablo owners were supposed to stick together. Why the sale?

Field I built it to play at closed down, and my car needs a new clutch. :(

dutch13 February 20th, 2013 10:58


Originally Posted by rockafella (Post 1762237)
can any of our resident NSW/SEAL experts answer this question; 'does the MK18mod1 have any identifying marks on the receiver, like the 'mod1'?
Whole forum devoted to the mk18.

Cortex February 25th, 2013 08:05

Got the TD covers in:

Now I just need a 12" rail.

shadow_matter February 27th, 2013 20:12

Finished two winter projects tonight, booyah.


- Mechbox internals from Modify
- Teinly F5000 motor
- Everything to do with airseal from Madbull (387-391 fps w/ 0.2g)
- 355mm tightbore barrel
- Programmable burst fire mosfet and 11.1v lipo in stock.


- Prometheus high speed gears w/ Element high speed motor
- 300mm tightbore barrel (339-348fps w/ 0.20g)
- Mosfet chip and 11.1v Lipo in the peq box
- Small profile stock to fit better with a 6094 PC
- 3 AAA flashlight because I ran out of funding

Zack The Ripper March 3rd, 2013 16:08

We m4 aeg
Sorry for the low res photos.

My add-ons to my WE M4 AEG. This was not a cheap endeavor, but well worth it in the end. I will be running an 11.1 LiPo to make this thing a little scarier.

External add-ons:

Magpul PTS MOE stock
Magpul PTS MOE hand guard
Magpul PTS RSA Steel
Magpul PTS AFG2
SureFire Gen 2 tac light (680 lumen) with knockoff mount
Magpul PTS MOE hand guard rails
Aimpoint Micro T-1 replica

I also grabbed 4 Magpul PTS PMAG midcaps not shown. I also still need a pressure switch for the light or else it'll be thumbsies for me.


What's going into it as I type:

Lonex Titan High Speed/Torque Motor
Lonex Polymer Piston + piston head
Silver coated Teflon wiring
Deans connector
Gate MERF 3.2 mosfet
Sorbo pad

Ignore the stuff in the photo not listed as it is irrelevant.

TYSONtheSNIPER March 4th, 2013 07:48

Here's my on going project gun (Although I think I finally made up my mind).

My G&G Top Tech M4 started off pretty basic.

But then I saw all those sweet Magpul rifles and decided "Two ton Magpuled up gun... I think so", and that first pic eventually became this.

But... It wasn't enough for me... And eventually it became boring... Until I learned the fun of impressions!!!

So now its starting its MK18 Mod 1 transformation, and I'm loving every minute of it. Still needs a lot though, but that's the fun part of replicating an issued firearm.

Stealth March 4th, 2013 09:16


Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC (Post 1767953)
What's going into it as I type:

Lonex Titan High Speed/Torque Motor
Lonex Polymer Piston + piston head
Silver coated Teflon wiring
Deans connector
Gate MERF 3.2 mosfet
Sorbo pad

Ignore the stuff in the photo not listed as it is irrelevant.

Zack The Ripper March 4th, 2013 09:51


Originally Posted by Stealth (Post 1768168)

"Cleanup, aisle me." ;-P

Zack The Ripper March 4th, 2013 09:52

And Tyson, the Mk18 looks great.

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