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kullwarrior November 5th, 2009 01:43


Originally Posted by connor.eckert (Post 1098396)
so does the src have a better chance at handling a lipo than the kwa?

why don't you get av'ed and get one yourself? Honestly, dude there's not many people have experience with SRC, hell before G&G made their clear receiver, we know very little of them. KJW being sort of one as well. We don't know much. Most people in Canada stick to major companies like:


Some goto:
Real Sword

TokyoSeven November 5th, 2009 02:29


Originally Posted by connor.eckert (Post 1098396)
so does the src have a better chance at handling a lipo than the kwa?

I'm not exactly sure what you are attempting to ask.
The specs state that they are lipo ready.

So one would assume that it would be able to handle a lipo battery.

1+1 = 2

Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?

Full Metal November 5th, 2009 04:54

I think what he was trying to say is "are SRC guns better internally than KWA guns?" And do they have less a chance to brake your gun when using a lipo.

Dart November 5th, 2009 05:45

g36 support varriant is called, wait for it, a mg36 lol. the are not very creative. airsoft wise its a g36 with a g&p front kit and cmag. some other little things too if your picky.

connor.eckert November 5th, 2009 09:21

thanks full metal

SHÖCK November 5th, 2009 19:56


Originally Posted by connor.eckert (Post 1098487)
thanks full metal

KWA and SRC are about the same. Both have reinforced gearboxes and ball bearing spring guides and ball bearing bushings. Any gearbox with a >m100 spring and a metal spring guide is lipo ready in my books and the entire concept is a misnomer for marketing purposes.

SRC has better furniture and features.

Dart November 5th, 2009 20:06

this lipo ready fad is really starting to worry me. I got a p90 on lipo and it has a massive rate of fire, all we need is these kids with 1800rpm guns in close range. I have seen it happen bad enough on a 9.6volt.

I just REALLY hope they learn self restraint and trigger control.

theguy November 5th, 2009 20:22


Originally Posted by Dart (Post 1098889)
this lipo ready fad is really starting to worry me. I got a p90 on lipo and it has a massive rate of fire, all we need is these kids with 1800rpm guns in close range. I have seen it happen bad enough on a 9.6volt.

I just REALLY hope they learn self restraint and trigger control.


I understand when lipos are useful for space constraints, but i think no new player should ever start with a lipo.

Seriously, if you want high RoF, just play with a quality 9.6. It will put out more then enough.

kalnaren November 5th, 2009 20:25

yay airsoft beam weapons

The Saint November 5th, 2009 20:31

You guys are getting your knickers in a knot for nothing.

ROFwhoring is a mentality. Lithium batteries make ROFwhoring easier, but they are merely a symptom of the problem.

Experienced ROFwhores running around with 10.8v NiCd packs scare me far more than any newbie with a lipo.

Amos November 5th, 2009 20:32

For one.. I'm not a fan of all these "400 FPS" out of the box guns that are being put into the hands of new players... it makes them rely on their gun to do the work for them instead of putting the effort in to develop themselves as a good player.

connor.eckert November 5th, 2009 20:37

how does a gun do the work for us?

theguy November 5th, 2009 20:40


Originally Posted by connor.eckert (Post 1098922)
how does a gun do the work for us?

I believe what amos, and many of the older players are talking about, is how much faster, and harder todays guns shoot.

When many players started, basically the main choice of gun brand was TM with a big ol' NiCd battery.

Giving you about 280 FPS, and a RoF thats about half of what you will get on your lipo.

kalnaren November 5th, 2009 20:49


Originally Posted by connor.eckert (Post 1098922)
how does a gun do the work for us?

Because high FPS and high ROF is a brute-force method to getting BB's to the target. It doesn't encourage good playing practices.

We used to have a saying around here: "If you have to ask what you need to upgrade on your gun, you're not ready to upgrade." Now many of these guns come that way. You'll notice that a lot of vets guns actually shoot around the 360-370 mark, not upward of 400. There is a reason for this. A noob with a weaker gun will learn what it is. A n00b with a powerful one probably won't, because they won't be able to appreciate the differences in BB performance at lower and higher FPS.

I'm not a fan of n00bs having high FPS guns either. ROF whoring (which a lot of n00bs do -not all, but a lot) with a 400 FPS gun is NOT good.

connor.eckert November 5th, 2009 20:49

oh i c

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