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Goge October 13th, 2009 13:15

little bits of clothing like sweaters, issue boots, issue wool hats, wool liner-gloves and a toaster (tho not airsoft related) at Value Village. =) I was surprised to see issue boots for $15.

DuffMan October 13th, 2009 13:18

I often use a crocodile skin Samsonite by Alexander McQueen boarding bag as a responder's kit.
I ALMOST bought a 1 of 10 14K gold, red velvet lined Christian Dior guitar case to be modified at Harrod's into a rifle case for about 85% off. The poor bastard couldn't offload the damn thing. Even at 85% off it was about 1200GBP.
Also, toiletry bags make GREAT pistol pouches.

TheSlee October 13th, 2009 14:41

goggles from Wickes (a DIY place here in the UK) used by builders. Cost me £2 (about $4) and have withstood more punishment than my friend's guarder shooting glasses, including my custom safety test (point blank with a 500fps sniper 5 times) :P

Mikhail October 13th, 2009 14:59

Found two sets of Firepower multicam BDU's while visiting Cloverdale Fleamarket. The vendor had no idea of the value and sold em for 15 bucks each...even threw in a extra acu shirt if I bought everything...his market must have been just hunters.

Mapcinq October 13th, 2009 15:05

I once found a partially used condom at the local Salvation Army. I got it for 50 cents, brought it home threw it in the dishwasher, and have been using that bad boy ever since!

Lerch October 13th, 2009 15:06


Originally Posted by Mapcinq (Post 1083001)
I once found a partially used condom at the local Salvation Army. I got it for 50 cents, brought it home threw it in the dishwasher, and have been using that bad boy ever since!


Brian McIlmoyle October 13th, 2009 15:07

Marks work wear
for gloves, belaclava...

also Lowes.. they carry the complete line of "mechanix" gloves

Assault Pioneer October 13th, 2009 15:13

I still use a snowboarding helmet I bought from crappy tire long time ago to double as an IBH, nobody has noticed.
and I use Mechanix gloves but Im prettysure thats normal and everyone does

GSK88 October 13th, 2009 15:16

1 hole balaclava at the corner store for $5. Right next to signs that say "Smile thief, you're on camera"...

MoreToasties October 13th, 2009 15:56

Multicam cooking knife carrying case at a dollar store.

I cut out the plastic sleeves meant for holding knives and it fir my extended WA Hi Capa like a glove.

I dont know why the carrying case was camo though; maybe they were trying to make cooking cool.

L473ncy October 13th, 2009 16:37

Sorry Tex but that pic is going into the Spelling/Grammatical Fail thread :)

Look at the bottom of your pic where the watermark is.

Frozen Tex October 13th, 2009 22:36


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1083073)
Sorry Tex but that pic is going into the Spelling/Grammatical Fail thread :)

Look at the bottom of your pic where the watermark is.

Dammit. Fixed. Nice catch.

mcguyver October 13th, 2009 22:45

I've found some good deals at flea markets in Arizona. A little out of the way, but you can buy everything from MREs to all sorts of knives, gear, guns, you name it. All you need is cash, no questions asked and it's all legal.

Most of it you could never bring back with you though, but some of it you can.

My suitcase was stuffed with goodies my last trip back.

Spawn28 October 13th, 2009 22:52

Battery operated glow stick with a 4 way switch at the dollar store and their door/window alarms make wicked trip wires

Frozen Tex October 14th, 2009 00:58


Originally Posted by Spawn28 (Post 1083439)
Battery operated glow stick with a 4 way switch at the dollar store and their door/window alarms make wicked trip wires

Hey, yeah, I just got some of those "glow sticks" (they change colours, right?) from Shopper's... and a supposedly "strobe" light for jack-o-lanterns that's really just blinking christmas tree lights; might make a good night target or something.

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