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The Saint October 26th, 2008 20:43


Donster October 26th, 2008 20:50


Originally Posted by Erennert (Post 848781)
Ok, these are all great suggestions but could all these things be bought through a ACS seller for when my age verif is done?

other than the gun, everything else is legal to import on your own.

Doc October 26th, 2008 21:08

a m14 is a good starter gun if you have the funds for it. it was my first gun and i still have it/love it. personaly i think the germtech g5 silencer looks the best (what i have on the gun right now) i went with the TM M14 socom because its alot easyer to swing around corners then the fullsized one. (with the sliencer its just a little longer then the standard m14)

But be warned, its heavy as hell and i wouldent sugest it for a smaller person, im 6'6" and a prity big guy, and even my arms hurt after running threw a feild for a few hours lugging this around.

Erennert October 26th, 2008 21:13

could you tell me the relative total length of maybe a socom with your silencer, and without it, and it weighs about 12 pounds fully equiped, as in abttery, BB's, am i right?

And if your a smaller guy, would this gun be good to cary around for like maybe 1-2 hours with a sling? and if i get tired, use bipod and semi-snipe kinda thing?

also another thing, i have seen many people with those guns in your signature, where do i find these, so when i get my gun, i am able to add these.

Muffin October 26th, 2008 21:15

Their pixel art guns, google it.

The Saint October 26th, 2008 21:19


Originally Posted by Erennert (Post 848805)
And if your a smaller guy, would this gun be good to cary around for like maybe 1-2 hours with a sling? and if i get tired, use bipod and semi-snipe kinda thing?

Sling only does so much when you've got the weapon at the ready (fighting versus travelling), and can get in the way if you're not used to one or buy a cheap one (a good sling is worth the money, IMO).

You really don't need a bipod. If you're so tired that you're going prone most of the time, the ground will provide just as much support for your rifle and a bipod will be the least of your concerns.

MestHead October 26th, 2008 21:43

IMO if you are begginner you should drop all the extras. Just get this...

TM M14 Socom

Don't use your money for a silencer because its just for looks and not important right now, scope is probably going to be more annoying than useful unless its just a reddot no magnifying. Also, the bipod isn't rally needed because by the time you deploy it the target will be gone and chance are you aren't going to stay in the same spot at once. Its sounds like you are trying to put together a semi sniper kit, I would advise against it.

Erennert October 26th, 2008 21:53

ok, so you would sugest, just the simple TM M14 socom, sling. And later for upgrades, just simply a 420mm prometheus barrel? (and i would get a exped friend or gun doc to put that in, never taken a gun apart) and .25g BB's
and eventually i think i will get the bi-pod, with my friends, we usually play pretty open games, not CQC, so sniping could be a possibility, especially if i get the barrel, and eventually upgrade some internals.

Retro October 26th, 2008 22:17

You live in langley, try and make it out to either BCAC or Op-For's games they run everyother weekend and play just down at 192nd and 16th ave at a place called panthers paintball. and are the web sites and an age verifyer is usaly there and can get you squared away quite easly.

damage October 26th, 2008 22:28


Erennert October 26th, 2008 22:29

Yea, i've paintballed at Panther before, its a good place
Also, what are some good guns for CQB and field

Doc October 26th, 2008 22:31

m4, ak or any type of AR

Muffin October 26th, 2008 22:34


Originally Posted by Erennert (Post 848875)
Yea, i've paintballed at Panther before, its a good place
Also, what are some good guns for CQB and field

Short guns, I got my hands an M4 CQB-R, nice for close quarters.

Erennert October 26th, 2008 22:38

What about a CA G36 with silencer? (i have a thing for silencers :P)

The Saint October 26th, 2008 22:42


Originally Posted by Erennert (Post 848885)
What about a CA G36 with silencer? (i have a thing for silencers :P)

A full length G36 with silence is a ridiculously long weapon.

Whatever you get, play with it before you slap a silencer on. You might find yourself bumping into a lot of things even without the silencer on.

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