Airsoft Canada

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mokthraka July 6th, 2008 22:14


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 760513)
id love to see you go to your local gun shop and ask for a ak

fuck your an idiot

its called gun shows so many people sell them there that you could buy for 300-400

mcguyver July 6th, 2008 22:15


Originally Posted by mokthraka (Post 760511)
fuck yes im a noob and proud of it

and im sure you could buy an ak-47(semi auto) for around 300

Hence my question as to your location. In the U.S. you can buy an AK, but not in Canada. They're prohibited in all forms. The CZ/VZ guns from Norc are about as close as we'll ever get.

Crunchmeister July 6th, 2008 22:15


Originally Posted by mokthraka (Post 760516)
its called gun shows so many people sell them there that you could buy for 300-400

Well then, you're probably not from Canada. If that's the case, you have no idea about our gun laws and shit here, so perhaps you should refrain from making more of a fool of yourself with your uninformed comments.

Bowers July 6th, 2008 22:17


Originally Posted by mokthraka (Post 760516)
its called gun shows so many people sell them there that you could buy for 300-400

HAHA thats cute

i could get a cz858 for about 650 off of wolverines but local store doesent have alot of 7.62x39 so fuck it

besides i will stick to my marlin lever action for real shooting


TokyoSeven July 6th, 2008 22:23

Flame team and peanut gallery please feel free to stay, everyone else please exit with me to your right.

LoricTheMad July 7th, 2008 00:39

"The funny thing about a flamethrower is that it means someone sat there and thought to themselves "Hey I wanna light that guy on fire, but I'm just not quite close enough to do the job"...

- Paraphrased from George Carlin

-=]MH[=-RaiDen July 7th, 2008 01:00


Originally Posted by LoricTheMad (Post 760642)
"The funny thing about a flamethrower is that it means someone sat there and thought to themselves "Hey I wanna light that guy on fire, but I'm just not quite close enough to do the job"...

- Paraphrased from George Carlin

YouTube - George Carlin - Flamethrowers

DrakeHighlander July 7th, 2008 01:27


Originally Posted by mokthraka (Post 760499)
yes but if your willing to spend $300 why woulnt you get a real gun insted?

Have fun shooting at your friends with real bullets?

Bowers July 7th, 2008 01:40


Originally Posted by DrakeHighlander (Post 760668)
Have fun shooting at your friends with real bullets?

what are you talking about he doesent have friends

DrakeHighlander July 7th, 2008 01:41

Oh, right. I must have mistaken the kids who tease him at school for his friends. My bad.

Gunk July 7th, 2008 01:51

Permanent bleeders FTW!

This should make the rest of the night more enjoyable... Porn at work is only fun for so long before the game gets boring...

LoricTheMad July 7th, 2008 09:19

Thank you for that link Raiden, that made my morning!

LouisZimmerman July 7th, 2008 11:15


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 760481)
Make sure to always fully charge your battery. Partially charging it will shorten its lifespan considerably. And make sure that when you plug it it to charge it that you put some kind of timer to remind you to pull the plug when it's charged. Overcharging can also lead to premature battery failiure, and with the cheap Ni-Cad batteries that come with those shit guns, they could also catch fire or explode if significantly overcharged.

I used to use a White's metal detector with a rechargeable battery pack in it. I had trouble charging the thing properly because I was often not around to unplug the charger when it needed to be unplugged. I finally came up with a solution to the problem.

I used to have a couple of cheap lamp timers, the kind you plug a table lamp in to. These things had little removable pins that you inserted into the timer dial at the points where you wanted the lamp to come on or turn off. The pins were shaped so that they only performed one function: either on (red pin) or off (black pin).

If one removes all of the bins except for one of the black pins, one has a timer that will only turn off. Set the dial for the number of hours that one wants the charger to run, plug the charger into the timer, turn the timer on manually, stick it in the wall. At whatever time you set it for the timer will turn the power off. Since there's no 'on' pin in the ring, you can leave things plugged in until you can get back to them without fear of the charger coming on again and over-charging the battery.


PS Nice pic, TokyoSeven! You gave me an idea for a theme game! 8-D

Crunchmeister July 7th, 2008 11:23

Before I got a proper charger, I did the exact same thing with the lamp timer. I too wouldn't necessarily be around to unplug the battery. Had a few timers kicking around, so decided to use one (after killing one battery).

Now I just use a proper charger that shuts off once the battery is fully charged.

mokthraka July 7th, 2008 14:32

forget everything i said last night that gun is a peice of shit im taking it back(well i can only exchange but its gonna fuck up agian i bet so i will get a refund then)

is a Aftermath lyncon good for a starter AEG? its $100 also is KWC a ok brand?

or if you could ifnd something here for near $100( i dont have alot right now and i wont for awhile)

once agian sorry for being a dumb ass

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