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~Ghost~ March 4th, 2008 23:22

ive had a hard time trying to find tripple dual M14 mag pouches lol
I think i may try to stretch the 556 pouches my vest came with?? a friend told me if you wet the pouches and put something the size of two m14 mags or a little bigger then the mags the pouch may stretch to the new shape providing the seems arent compromised i may try this lol its seems im at a dead end!

ILLusion March 4th, 2008 23:46

The Guarder is the nicest built and most realistic kit that I've seen to date.

Donster March 4th, 2008 23:51

Double 7.62 pouch:


~Ghost~ March 5th, 2008 00:07


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 661339)
The Guarder is the nicest built and most realistic kit that I've seen to date.

Thansk for the help with the RIS/RAS kit ILLusion i may end up bying one down the road lol i gotta get my M14 fixed first. im having internal problems and getting them adressed at the moment then im looking for the external kit lol
i also orderd the King Arms 110rd abs pack of 10 Mags from ehobby decent price to, I hope customs lets em through lol??:confused:

27Maverick March 8th, 2008 14:01

I bought the Gaurder one from Illusion, its really nice man, incredibly realistic. You can't go wrong when you order from Illusion either.

Donster March 8th, 2008 17:08


Originally Posted by ~Ghost~ (Post 661373)
i also orderd the King Arms 110rd abs pack of 10 Mags from ehobby decent price to, I hope customs lets em through lol??:confused:

King arms, from what i have read, are shit. many feeding problems. that being said, you can apparently fix the problem with minor modifications. and customs will them them through, so long as there are no fake bullets (which there are not) so you are fine.

~Ghost~ March 8th, 2008 20:54

shitty i hope they doont mess up to quickly but for aprox 60 bucks shipped for ten 110 rd mags i thought it was a decent deal, when i got the gun it only had two high caps and a tm 68rd and i FCKING Hate high caps the rattle and unrealistic amount of ammo so i figured theyd be ok but ill get new ones eventually
im looking into the ris/ras rails but my wallent wont allow untill i get my gun fixed lol after that ill look into them

scheer March 8th, 2008 21:38

The KA mags just need a bit of time to settle, run a few loads through them manually, add a bit of silicone lube and don't overload them or they jam, this is true of all their plastic mags I've tried.

The 7.62 pouches I use are by SORD, they make absolutely top notch kit!!

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