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Amos November 28th, 2007 12:08

Yea.. leave the dessert beagle to counter-strike...

get something more functional and reliable.. like a glock, a sig, or USP...

TokyoSeven November 28th, 2007 13:06

My DE was more of a burden to carry, a gas hog and a cannon to fire.
Hated it, thats why I sold it.

Rocking a beautiful KJ M9 now, smaller easier to use.
But if you like desert eagles, then thats your thing then.

As for a primary, think of it like this. In the simplest terms electric airsoft guns run off of a battery powered motor that drives gears to crank a piston and spring, which compress back and spring forward to push air down a cylinder which is squeezed through a nozel to propel a BB down the barrel.

Despite the fact that there are multiple ways to achieve that set up, its all based on the same idea. So with that in mind really all you have to do is pick how you want this process to be represented. In this instance you have choosen the M16, decent gun, rather large for my likings, but to each their own. With Armlites there are many easy available upgrades out there.

As for your choice about a secondary, same thing as above, gas guns have their BBs and gas stored in the mags, when the trigger is pulled a hammer contacts against a button on the back of the magazine causing gas to become expelled and push the BB down the barrel.

All gas guns are essentially the same idea, but once again its up to you to decide how you would like this process housed, but in this case it would be important to consider your brands, budget and options, as some guns are not as friendly to green gas and propane as others are. Best to hit up some googling or the search function on our website here.

Either way, welcome aboard.

Crunchmeister November 28th, 2007 13:33

I can imagine a DE would be a cool weapon to have. I definitely want one for my collection. But practically speaking, I know I would much prefer have a smaller sidearm that's not so large, heavy and cumbersome. Never tried an airsoft or real-steel version, but I know the Umarex pellet version of it is huge and heavy. I personally wouldn't want that extra bulk and weight on me. In real life, I can see how the stopping power of a real .50 Desert Eagle could be of use and make it worth the weight / size tradeoff for performance. In terms of airsoft, I can't see that gun perform any better than any other airsoft pistol that's much more compact in size.

I have a KJW M9 and a WA "Perfect version" Beretta 92FS, and I think those are more compact, lighter, and accurate as hell (well, the KJW is - the WA version is being delivered today). The KJW will be my sidearm for my future games.

But then again, I'm a noob too and never played a game of airsoft to date, so what do I know?

TokyoSeven November 28th, 2007 13:55

A Tm De hardkick with some upgraded springs, tighter barrel, a highflow valve in each mag and a zeke metal slide kit would be fairly schmexy though, Id use it as a primary instead of a seconday. Thats only if I ever went insane and bought another DE.

Drake November 28th, 2007 13:58

My thoughts are that's a f'n Counterstrike loadout.

Forget the poser sidearms, and use the money to buy a proper primary (metal) instead of some POS clearsoft.

amano999 November 28th, 2007 14:04

I like the DE. Outdoor it it pretty big to lug around, but not anyworse that a M4 with all the trimmings. CQB eagles are good tho, stock they shoot harder than most GBB and the hardkick actually kinda helps you keep the gun on target.

Endymion November 28th, 2007 14:07


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 583531)
A Tm De hardkick with some upgraded springs, tighter barrel, a highflow valve in each mag and a zeke metal slide kit would be fairly schmexy though, Id use it as a primary instead of a seconday. Thats only if I ever went insane and bought another DE.

There's almost no need for the high flows - it's plenty consistent with the stock valves and out of the box shoots a steady 300fps on 0.28g BBs... roughly 355fps on 0.20g. A tightbore might bring that up a bit, though adding a 10" Zeke kit with appropriate inner barrel would really make a difference. The metal slide gives the hand cannon a nice weight but makes the blowback less fun - you feel the recoil more with the plastic slide.

From experience, forget the drop leg unless you mount it like a dropped belt holster. There's simply too much mass there to make it comfortable or stationery for long.

TokyoSeven November 28th, 2007 14:10

Agreed, pretty much good with the stock valves, but it doesnt hurt to give it a tincy little nudge.

madmaty November 28th, 2007 15:53

Yeah having alot of people opinions really helps me get a better idea, as the combined knowlage far excedes what I have. I went looking for the scymatcis f both the M4 and the M16. Since I have handled an M4 before I really like it I have a pic of my M4 on my camera and as soon as I can upload it ill post it. Its only a "clearsoft" ( or it used to be :p ) But as theM16 is about 250mm longer I will just get a better M4. Up side is I have a few assessories for my M4 ( Laser dot Scpoe / Laser / flash light / tactical forgrip ) With all my sights already locked in it should be no trouble taking the stuff off and putting onto the new one. Also I hear alot about the DE not being the best secondary. I will get one and glock or beretta and try them out to see what is more comfortable for me. Thanks alot everyone for the help. Now just get age verifyed and I set to start my collection :)

Greylocks November 28th, 2007 15:56

If you really want to know what makes sense (and possibly get age-verified at the same time)... go see a game. Then you will know what works, what does not, just by seeing what people actually use.

Since people rarely play with crap, it should help you decide and save you tons of cash.

Aquamarine November 28th, 2007 16:02


Originally Posted by amano999 (Post 583535)
I like the DE. Outdoor it it pretty big to lug around, but not anyworse that a M4 with all the trimmings.

I disagree. With an M4 you can add a sling to it. With a Desert Eagle, you're limited to some drop-leg holsters which flop all over when you decide to start running.

Jimski November 28th, 2007 16:05

I hate having stuff on my legs :(

madmaty November 29th, 2007 05:35

My new "Clearsofts"

I know the M4 looks a litle messed up in the pic but in real life it dosnt appear like that altho i am going to go add another coat to it

FOX_111 November 29th, 2007 05:54

You got a backyard thug knife... haha

I'd forget about pistol completely and concentrate on usefull equipment.

AEG of your choice. I'd recommend a TM G36c for it's possibility and durability.
A good battery or two, depending on your AEG.
A good battery charger. I recommand a TLP electronic charger.
Something to carry your mags. I'd recommand something in color OD with a modular pouch system.
You will also need complete BDU, a good pair of combat boot, good ballistic glasses, maybe a helmet.

Just the gun, batt and charger set you for about 800$ to 900$. Now add the other necessities. You are about at 1000$ if you buy new or almost new.

After you got all that and you played a few game, you will be in a better position to consider buying a side arm.

madmaty November 29th, 2007 06:06

Yeah I am not to worried about the costs. I didn't expect this to be a cheap sport :P As compared to other sports such as hockey it will cost about the same amount to play after you factor in all the equipment and season costs, I think airsoft might even be cheaper lol. But yeah the first thing I'm getting is my M4 primary. If I get verified before my next payday all that much better, then I can use the forums here to buy one :) instead of paying the outrageous store prices ( yes I said the money was not the problem, But I also don't want to pay $200 for a gun I can get for $75 yes I am a cheap bastard :P)

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