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HaZarD SFD January 27th, 2007 08:16

If Airsoft was so black listed as people think it is. This site would simply
just be shut down. Untill that day we should all act like mature 18+ people
and show them that Airsoft is not a bad sport nor is it being used in a manner
of which they need to be alarmed.

Even if they did monitor this site it would most likely be the game section.
"Ohhh another address to keep on file!" :lol:

Greylocks January 27th, 2007 09:18


Originally Posted by Debbie (Post 414014)
I would like this statement backed up DROC. I am not saying they DO NOT, I am not a nay sayer, but, I would like to know why this is continually brought up as a story told as an old urban myth. What proof do you have? Not for arguments sake just educational.

Hmmm, how about watching a local police officer look over my shoulder as I showed him this site on request? Talking to police officers who happen to play with us? And some of us working for the federal government?

If you dont think this happens, you are painfully naive.

Greylocks January 27th, 2007 09:22


Originally Posted by Kid (Post 414271)
Quick question for the police, do you monitor EVERY post? I couldn't imagine the manpower required to do that... that would mean a guy on full time.

Also, if a guy was hired to monitor ASC, would he look at Aqua's Gaijin thread? Also, if he/she did look at the Gaijin thread, is he allowed to laugh?

And to discus amongst ASCers, if there were police monitoring this website, would it not make sense that they are verified so that they can monitor the NAR and (airsoft) Gun sales?

There are advanced software programs available to them, they can, and do, monitor everything they want. Canada has some of the best information gathering experts on the planet.
You dont need to monitor things 'live' all the time. Welcome to the new reality of the internet.

wolphsnyper January 27th, 2007 11:14

I'd want them to read this forum.
Other then some silly flaming that goes on (And it goes on everywhere) and the occasional person who posts complete garbage and is quickly flamed and runs away with his tail between his legs...sort of street stlye justice. This is a good site that illustrates our concerns and input into keeping the sport responsible.
I would welcome them reading this.

Plus I make phone calls on the side for the tip of the month reward... :p

CDN_Stalker January 27th, 2007 11:38


Originally Posted by wolphsnyper (Post 414328)
I'd want them to read this forum.
Other then some silly flaming that goes on (And it goes on everywhere) and the occasional person who posts complete garbage and is quickly flamed and runs away with his tail between his legs...sort of street stlye justice. This is a good site that illustrates our concerns and input into keeping the sport responsible.
I would welcome them reading this.

Plus I make phone calls on the side for the tip of the month reward... :p

This guy's opinion, above most others, I trust. Because I know him, have played with him, and he's a ***. So why not trust what he knows and says? :wink:

Armyissue January 27th, 2007 12:16

Well That would explain the increase in my sales to "***" organizations! All "***'s* remember to ask for you speshul discount. Also I'll get you age verified, since your here already.

CDN_Stalker January 27th, 2007 12:21

Lol, good thing I didn't say he was a "*****", then he'd get mad at me.

Debbie January 27th, 2007 13:15

I have no doubt that they have read the boards on occasion...big deal. What are the great plans and conspiracies....I would like proof, they exist. All we are doing is continuing the baseless, my friend told me so.....who cares if you were pulled over by the cops when you were 15 really....what does that have to do with anything. Proof Proof Proof.....LOL I want Proof not heresay......these boards provide harbingers of misinformation a great tool, and unfortunately it seems that people bandwagon on half truths and never do the footwork themselves....I agree it is easier and seems cooler to add to a story, but, in the end its bullshit and you feel good that you added bullshit to the pile....WTF is that all about. I am not looking to accuse or point fingers, but, I have been reading these boards for over 7 years and this is an ongoing phenomenom. There is a large portion of people who feel that somehow that if this sport is seen as somewhat in the "illegal" area it makes them that more hardcore. I am fully aware of the laws, but, other than the BC retailers getting greif, I have NEVER heard or seen evidence of a REAL investigation by ANYONE in Ontario, other than a cursory mention about that kid who murdered the students......nothing.

HaZarD SFD January 27th, 2007 13:38


Originally Posted by Debbie (Post 414371)
I have no doubt that they have read the boards on occasion...big deal. What are the great plans and conspiracies....I would like proof, they exist. All we are doing is continuing the baseless, my friend told me so.....who cares if you were pulled over by the cops when you were 15 really....what does that have to do with anything. Proof Proof Proof.....LOL I want Proof not heresay......these boards provide harbingers of misinformation a great tool, and unfortunately it seems that people bandwagon on half truths and never do the footwork themselves....I agree it is easier and seems cooler to add to a story, but, in the end its bullshit and you feel good that you added bullshit to the pile....WTF is that all about. I am not looking to accuse or point fingers, but, I have been reading these boards for over 7 years and this is an ongoing phenomenom. There is a large portion of people who feel that somehow that if this sport is seen as somewhat in the "illegal" area it makes them that more hardcore. I am fully aware of the laws, but, other than the BC retailers getting greif, I have NEVER heard or seen evidence of a REAL investigation by ANYONE in Ontario, other than a cursory mention about that kid who murdered the students......nothing.


Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 12

Hmm... Im still lost!

Ibby January 27th, 2007 14:28


Originally Posted by Debbie (Post 414371)
Proof Proof Proof.....LOL I want Proof not heresay......

I did manage to keep the file, pics and whatnot the Fisheries officers built from the 4x4 website out west I belong to. I have their business cards and other contact info. I can forward this to you if you like. It's definitely proof, and this is only in relation to driving 4x4's in the woods! If a government department is looking at something as harmless as a bunch of rednecks driving around, you can rest assured that other departments that cover areas that are potentially dangerous to the public (i.e. firearms/airsoft) do spend time researching websites covering that content.
Sure there's plenty of OMG TEH SKY IS FALLING EVERYBODY PANIC!!!1!11!!ONE on this board, but it's pretty simple to pick out the facts from the crap.

Droc January 27th, 2007 14:33


Originally Posted by Debbie (Post 414371)
I have no doubt that they have read the boards on occasion...big deal. What are the great plans and conspiracies....I would like proof, they exist. All we are doing is continuing the baseless, my friend told me so.....who cares if you were pulled over by the cops when you were 15 really....what does that have to do with anything. Proof Proof Proof.....LOL I want Proof not heresay......these boards provide harbingers of misinformation a great tool, and unfortunately it seems that people bandwagon on half truths and never do the footwork themselves....I agree it is easier and seems cooler to add to a story, but, in the end its bullshit and you feel good that you added bullshit to the pile....WTF is that all about. I am not looking to accuse or point fingers, but, I have been reading these boards for over 7 years and this is an ongoing phenomenom. There is a large portion of people who feel that somehow that if this sport is seen as somewhat in the "illegal" area it makes them that more hardcore. I am fully aware of the laws, but, other than the BC retailers getting greif, I have NEVER heard or seen evidence of a REAL investigation by ANYONE in Ontario, other than a cursory mention about that kid who murdered the students......nothing.

you is teh ignorant


Originally Posted by JanusDP (Post 414063)
Windsor PD, RCMP and CSIS in my experience.


Originally Posted by Colin_S (Post 414038)
Just for the record I have received Toronto Police and OPP referrals to my blog from ASC. I don't know however if they're members of the forums or special "guests".

It's happened 3 times in the last year if I remember correctly.


Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds (Post 414029)

At the time of this post there were "Currently Active Users: 233 (66 members and 167 guests)

More guests than members, it would be stupid for us to think that not just one of the guests couldn't be some sort of watchdog, ie police, CBSA, angry soccer mom, or journalist.

Also when building a case the police will use any means at their disposal. When I was 15 I delivered groceries on bike, I made a delivery and on my way back, I was stopped by two detectives, and was asked for details about the appartment. How many people did I see, and did I notice anything strange or different today. Found out later they were raided, turns out the place was a storage depot for coke.

So the net or forum is a wealth of info for them.


Originally Posted by Droc (Post 414028)
Have a friend in the RCMP, mentioned that sites like ASC and CGN are well known to the RCMP. Thats not in print proof, but works for me.
I dont have a doubt in my mind. With airsoft being as big a problem as it is, ASC isnt hard for the law to find...shit, I hear the RCMP has google now.

Lets face it, the police are not stupid, and its well known that many pro-gun groups are monitored. To even think for a second that ASC isnt well observed is crazy. Look at all the issues with airsoft retailers and such. To think that ASC is overlooked is crazy.

All that stuff with that terrorist group in toronto over the summer, alot of their actions were watched over the net....and its not like ASC doesnt have guns, odd people, and training facilities, occasional threads about explosives and such....have to be really stupid not to watch ASC from time to time.

There has also been atleast one occasion where a member has filed charges against another ASC user for threats on and through this site.


What the hell do you want? A letter from CSIS saying that they monitor this site? Its not going to happen.

Debbie January 27th, 2007 14:35


Originally Posted by HaZarD SFD (Post 414379)

Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 12

Hmm... Im still lost!

You can peruse the forums as a guest. You knew that though
right? Please someone OTHER than Greylocks give me an answer, I won't go into my reasons.

HaZarD SFD January 27th, 2007 17:15


Originally Posted by Debbie (Post 414393)
You can peruse the forums as a guest. You knew that though
right? Please someone OTHER than Greylocks give me an answer, I won't go into my reasons.

Umm its the fact that you didnt register for 7 YEARS.. Like wtf. Why look
at something if you cant interact with it!

Dracheous January 27th, 2007 17:37

Heh, I half expected a lame excuse like "I had to make a new account."

But I doubt they'd want to say that if this is the case... because then we'd be looking into why he/she was banned in the first place.

But, a guest? For 7 YEARS?! Nah, don't beleive it worth a damn. However if this is the case. I say you get me PROOF that it is. Someone in your area that has been on long enough to vouche for you to have 7 years here on this site.

And I don't want hear-say from you either.

Oh, and as far as this going that they monitor this stuff. Guess what, any of you non-believers just gotta watch the news where they point out how authorities are more and more looking into web forums in Canada to spot and stop crimes commited using internet communications and such.

Dirty Deeds January 27th, 2007 17:46


Originally Posted by Droc (Post 414392)
you is teh ignorant


What the hell do you want? A letter from CSIS saying that they monitor this site? Its not going to happen.

LOL! I get letters from CSIS all the time, don't you?


Originally Posted by Debbie (Post 414393)
You can peruse the forums as a guest. You knew that though
right? Please someone OTHER than Greylocks give me an answer, I won't go into my reasons.

Maybe you should go into your "reasons".

I'm with the rest, I think you are full of shit. Want to prove me wrong? Get me proof.

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