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ShadowTwoSix May 11th, 2015 07:05


Originally Posted by ravan318 (Post 1946257)
What I'm doing now is that I bought a M4 with CQB length (10.5in or CQB-length barrel) and start the modification from there on. In other words I'll use a regular receiver + RIS + CQB length barrel. I hope this is still acceptable as CANSOFCOM C8s

I looked into IUR just now and realized it's too much of an investment now if I replace the totally new an unused RIS+ upper for a IUR, which is another additional $100-200 investment.

Cool... make sure you post some pics when you're done or even along the way!

ShadowTwoSix June 15th, 2015 16:17

C8 CBQ Image Reference Gallery
23 Attachment(s)
So I decided to add gallery posts as a dumping ground for any and all reference pics of the different C8 / C7 / L119 variants. Today I'm going to start with the C8 CQB version seen in various CANSOFCOM images. Enjoy!

Attachment 48328 Attachment 48329 Attachment 48330
Attachment 48331 Attachment 48332 Attachment 48333
Attachment 48335 Attachment 48336 Attachment 48337
Attachment 48338 Attachment 48339 Attachment 48340
Attachment 48341 Attachment 48342 Attachment 48343
Attachment 48344 Attachment 48345 Attachment 48346
Attachment 48349 Attachment 48356 Attachment 48357
Attachment 48407 Attachment 52829

ShadowTwoSix June 16th, 2015 04:29

And now the IUR Reference Gallery!
38 Attachment(s)
I've added both CQB and longer 16.7" versions because it's really about the rail! :D

CANSOFCOM (Images by Larry Vickers):
Attachment 48383 Attachment 48384 Attachment 48385 Attachment 48386 Attachment 48405 Attachment 48406

CANSOFCOM In the Wild (Colt Canada C8IUR:
Attachment 48411 Attachment 48412
Attachment 48600 Attachment 48601 Attachment 48602 Attachment 52825 Attachment 52826
Attachment 52827 Attachment 52828 Attachment 53024 Attachment 53025 Attachment 53026 Attachment 53027 Attachment 53028 Attachment 53029

Danish Army In The Wild (Colt Canada GV M/10):
Attachment 52863 Attachment 52864 Attachment 52865 Attachment 52866

Colt Canada Industry Images:
Attachment 48392 Attachment 48393 Attachment 48394 Attachment 48395 Attachment 48396 Attachment 48397 Attachment 48398 Attachment 48399 Attachment 48400 Attachment 48408 Attachment 51407 Attachment 53263

_Whiskey_ June 16th, 2015 14:56

Since this is a C8 & C7 thread Can anyone shed light on a good C79 Elcan replica that is usable on the field? I have A CAM145 (the US version of the elcan) but am looking for a usable C79 that is found on the C7

ShadowTwoSix June 18th, 2015 21:12


Originally Posted by _Whiskey_ (Post 1950138)
Since this is a C8 & C7 thread Can anyone shed light on a good C79 Elcan replica that is usable on the field? I have A CAM145 (the US version of the elcan) but am looking for a usable C79 that is found on the C7

Sorry Whiskey, I don't know the C79's well enough to help ya. Hopefully someone else can shed some light!

ShadowTwoSix June 18th, 2015 21:15

C8 FTHB / SFW Reference Gallery
13 Attachment(s)

ravan318 July 13th, 2015 04:21

Thanks ShadowTwoSix!

After combining some studies from ShadowTwoSix and other references from other threads in this forum, this is what my current C8A3 looks like.
My current C8 impression:

Originally I opted for a more conventional C8 look by spraying the CADPAT light green with the original carbine stock and butt pad, but once I upgraded my Multicam kit to CSOR impression, I also upgraded the rest of my gun to more "customized SOF" style. With this I added the 2" barrel extension (haven't made the custom barrel extension yet), Vortex flash hider, used VLTOR stock, and changed the RIS and removed the delta ring. For accessories I used the EOTECH 552 and the PEQ-15. I also wasn't able to get the proper engravings for the fire selector unfortunately, so I think I will redo the CNC someday to get it right. I also not sure how factually accurate it will be to remove the delta ring and use a RIS directly instead.

Feel free to comment and judge and tell me what you think in terms of appearance, accuracy, etc. Looking to hear them!

Desmodus July 13th, 2015 08:53

I don't know if its just the lighting in your pictures, but the green on your C8 looks REALLY bright, I'd try and dull it out a bit more. It's bordering on being neon hahahahaha

Gato July 13th, 2015 14:02


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 1952909)
I don't know if its just the lighting in your pictures, but the green on your C8 looks REALLY bright, I'd try and dull it out a bit more. It's bordering on being neon hahahahaha

^THIS. That's some kind of "Zombie Killer" bullshit colouring you have goin on there..... it's a dull Olive Drab green. I'll see if I have any pictures of my service rifle as reference when I get home....

For a "from factory" C8A3 ditch the rail for proper OD hanguards, while I've seen railed C8, I've never seen issued rail covers on them, and when I have seen rail covers, they've never been green like the standard furnature, particularily NOT THAT green. Ditch the CQBR length, the C8A3 replaced the FTHB, it retained the SFW Profile barrel (Think L119A1). Put on a DIEMACO Triad, DIEMACO BUIS and an ELCAN C79A2 optic. Ditch that lower reciever and get a black one, have the fire marker as S/R/AUTO, have the C*A# marked so that the A3 looks like it was done later (A little out of line) as most seem to have been upgrades and build using existing recievers.

You also best start hunting for Ambi firecontrols of the right type, the correct Ambi Charging handle latch (Can be found, I've had 3 of em over the years, only 1 these days) and the correct Ambi mag release.

Trust me on this, I'm one of the main C7/C8 SME around here. Sadly, I have no pictures, but I had a prett good pre C8A3 "parts repaired" rifle.

ARC-74 July 25th, 2015 14:55

For those that are looking for a RS green Colt Canada stock, expensive but they are available.
They have the green rubber butt pad too :)

Komodo July 28th, 2015 11:16

If you are looking for a Triad there is one for sale on Kijiji Toronto

Gato July 28th, 2015 16:49


Originally Posted by Komodo (Post 1954410)
If you are looking for a Triad there is one for sale on Kijiji Toronto

There you guys go, lol

I'll be keeping my 4 :P

FAZR August 9th, 2015 18:05

Anyone know where I could get the sling mount, or at least one similar?


ShadowTwoSix August 11th, 2015 05:26


Originally Posted by FAZR (Post 1955671)
Anyone know where I could get the sling mount, or at least one similar?


You looking for the one in this image?

As per the C8 Patrol Carbine Exploded View, it's part#: 09957C-1 PLATE ASSEMBLY W/DOUBLE SLING LOOP

If this is the one you're looking for, it looks like a proprietary Colt Canada sling plate that doesn't show up on it's own in any google searches. Looks like it comes included with the civilian sales SA15.7 & SA20 models as well. So if you know anyone who's picked one up, maybe find out if they're still using that plate. If so, this is the closest thing I have come up with (and they're not that close):


...And the real steel version:

ShadowTwoSix August 11th, 2015 05:36


Originally Posted by FAZR (Post 1955671)
Anyone know where I could get the sling mount, or at least one similar?


Hmmm... closer but these are for AEG.|2661966238


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