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fantastix June 10th, 2013 15:43

I'm talking to Dan as to exactly what I can reveal about the situation. Suffice to say for now, that the Adrenaline proshop will be re-opening at some point in the near future.

The status of the rest of the complex isn't clear yet.


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 1803069)
Scuttlebut I heard is Greg declared bankruptcy, sold the business to someone he knew, fenagled his way back into a manger role, then ended up screwing his new partners by not paying the rent.

Same old same old if its true.

Not the whole story, but you have the right idea.

EDIT: I would like to note that The Adrenaline Proshop is it's own entity (legally and in terms of management). What happens to it may not coincide with Adrenaline as a whole.

Deadpool June 10th, 2013 15:46


Originally Posted by Adrenalineguy (Post 1804331)
The indoor and the compound are closed. Game reventues just do not keep up with comercail rent rates.

So, you just decided that you didn't need to pay your rent?

Brian McIlmoyle June 10th, 2013 16:04


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1804539)
So, you just decided that you didn't need to pay your rent?

Businesses Default on Rent all the time.. it's a normal part of winding up. If they were smart they set up the proshop and indoor as a separate company so as to not drag the outdoor field down as well.

I't business.. and not necessarily any reflection on the character of the directors or owners

Drake June 11th, 2013 08:46


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1804545)
Businesses Default on Rent all the time.. it's a normal part of winding up. If they were smart they set up the proshop and indoor as a separate company so as to not drag the outdoor field down as well.

I't business.. and not necessarily any reflection on the character of the directors or owners

I've been on the receiving end of defaulting clients enough times to feel it IS a reflection of their character: people of solid and reputable character square away their outstanding debts when wrapping up operations rather than fucking over everyone around 'em on the way out.

Brian McIlmoyle June 11th, 2013 10:59


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1804806)
I've been on the receiving end of defaulting clients enough times to feel it IS a reflection of their character: people of solid and reputable character square away their outstanding debts when wrapping up operations rather than fucking over everyone around 'em on the way out.

Agreed.. if that is possible, sometimes it's not... perhaps my perception is a little broader... being a trustee in bankruptcy..

Business and doing business involves risk, sometimes that risk does not pay off. sometimes it kicks your ass.

my point is.. that without all the facts, it's not appropriate to rush to judgment.

Adrenalineguy June 11th, 2013 12:47

The closure of the Adrenaline paintball/Airsoft Complex in London is complicated and will take some time to sort out. Adrenaline is NOT Greg (Adrenalineguy).
Its a group of businesses, staff, members, customers and players that have worked hard for little return to build something that they were looking for (Good People). 1 bad apple did not spoil the barrel; and now the barrel that the been tipped over and the dozen's of good people involved are still good people.

A group of us thought,, Indoor? lets give it a shot.. I took the financial risk with a new partner and the other's poured their hearts and backs into it

The Proshop is a separate entity all together, and always has been. The Indoor and compound were a new venture with some new ownership. It simply did not work.

The proshop has never been behind in it's rent and is simply caught up in a mess.

I appreciate the numerous PM's emails and Texts from members of the community. Behind the scenes there are a lot of good people out here. This was the public post on FB.

The Adrenaline paintball/Airsoft complex including the Indoor tactical facility know as the Adrenaline indoor Is, closed permanently.
This is very hard to Post. A lot of good people have put a lot of blood sweat tears and time into the facility. There is simply not enough revenue to meet the demand of commercial rent rates. This closure has nothing to do with insurance.

I would like to thank everyone that put so much into her.. And apologize for not being able to come up with the solutions to the problems she faced fast enough..

Good news is, Lots of more outdoor dates, new fields, and some great new ideas for games... This door is closed we are looking forward to opening some new ones.. If you have questions PM's or text's please.


Mr. inked June 11th, 2013 15:53

so adrenalineguy is more then 1 person?? isnt there a rule on asc only one person per account??

Adrenalineguy June 11th, 2013 18:04


Originally Posted by Mr. inked (Post 1805022)
so adrenalineguy is more then 1 person?? isnt there a rule on asc only one person per account??

Dear mr inked:
Adrenalineguy is one person. please read carefully.. it says Adrenaline is more then one person. I think you read, as bad as I type. lol

sticks June 11th, 2013 18:50


Originally Posted by Adrenalineguy (Post 1804927)
Adrenaline is NOT Greg or Adrenalineguy.
Its a group of businesses, staff, members, customers and players that have worked hard for little return to build something that they were looking for (Good People).

Looks to me like there is more than just Greg using this account.

ShelledPants June 11th, 2013 19:41


Originally Posted by sticks (Post 1805077)
Looks to me like there is more than just Greg using this account.

Adrenalineguy clearly states that the bolded text is from a public facebook post, and that message states it is by Greg.

Calm down, internet sleuths.

buttonsHT June 11th, 2013 22:04


Originally Posted by Mr. inked (Post 1805022)
so adrenalineguy is more then 1 person?? isnt there a rule on asc only one person per account??


Originally Posted by sticks (Post 1805077)
Looks to me like there is more than just Greg using this account.

Even if it were more than one person.. the Stealth account is two guys and no ones bitching about that.

This thread reads like a bunch of gossiping 13 year olds.

Armyissue June 12th, 2013 10:59


Originally Posted by buttonsHT (Post 1805172)
Even if it were more than one person..
This thread reads like a bunch of gossiping 13 year olds.

Wait, Soap and Ghost are one guy! that's wicked!

Blackthorne June 12th, 2013 11:32

We regularly post with the Scarecrow account, its normal when you are a retailer.

PrIeSt June 12th, 2013 12:38


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