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Hectic April 25th, 2013 16:23

No polycarb okay lol.
So what is that whits/beige stuff the stock head is made of polycarb or some other crappy stuff?
Ihave a sorbo installed so i dont think itll break anytime soon.
Also i may as well ask why remove the bearing doesnt it help reduce the stress caused by the twisting action of the spring or is the bearing spring guide enough for tha?

lurkingknight April 25th, 2013 16:25

simple way to tell polycarbonate from POM... is it clear?

yes = poly carbonate.

no = another material, probably more suited to use in shear force conditions.

polycarb is terrifically strong... in 1 direction. you can hit it and it could probably take a lot of impacts before breaking, but you can't pull it or twist it, it shears a whole lot faster.

Theres tons of polymer blends being used in pistons... yours could be straight nylon, could be nylon reinforced with fiber, could be a few other materials too.

Stealth April 25th, 2013 16:25

Piston head bearings are redundant if you have a BSG.

You want to reduce the overall weight of the piston assembly as much as possible - just more efficient that way.

mike_sinyard April 25th, 2013 16:29

Tip: For even higher ROF, don't use the bearings that come with this piston head. Instead, use a bearing spring guide only as it takes the weight off the piston assembly.

Lol this info keeps coming from the site ill be buying my internals from once i get some moneys
So backing stealth up each time
grabbing an aluminim cylinderhead
POM piston head
Aluminum nozzle with oring

EDIT............ That would be stealths store......

Deadpool April 25th, 2013 16:30


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1788701)
It's also super fun to machine and makes a wicked mess :D

You haven't seen a mess until you create a Brass milling snow storm! :D

I wish I had a camera that time

(The guy standing behind me didn't like it one bit)

ThunderCactus April 25th, 2013 16:42

I used to have some great videos of dry milling A514 and a semi-complex 6061 piece out of a 6x4x9 square billet but I had to take them off youtube and I didn't save them anywhere X_X
Such a shame, I used to make such beautiful handwritten G-code too :(

JDoorn April 25th, 2013 16:58

would the madbull px piston be a good option? it already is missing the second tooth (for better engagement) and all the teeth are metal...

mike_sinyard April 25th, 2013 17:03


Originally Posted by JDoorn (Post 1788727)
would the madbull px piston be a good option? it already is missing the second tooth (for better engagement) and all the teeth are metal...

I find buying a piston with a full set of teeth id better... Some AOEs require only 1 tooth shaved others require 1 1/2 to 2

Stealth April 25th, 2013 17:06

Airsoft Store Canada

We do product testing so you don't have to.


JDoorn April 25th, 2013 17:06

guess I got lucky, it worked perfect with my setup...

mike_sinyard April 25th, 2013 17:10


God this pictures gunna give me nightmares


Originally Posted by Stealth (Post 1788735)
Airsoft Store Canada

We do product testing so you don't have to.


JDoorn April 25th, 2013 17:10

On a side note. is there anything that can be "Macgyvered" when the trigger trolly slides back past the trigger on every trigger pull, before making the electrical connection? is this problem caused by a bad cutoff lever or is it the switch assembly that needs replacing? I've glued a small piece on the back side of the trolly so the trigger has more to grab on to, but I'm sure someone with more experience will have a better idea.

P.S I know I know, just buy a new cut off/ switch assembly...

Hectic April 25th, 2013 17:27

You can put a small screw in the bottom of the trigger switch. No semi tho

JDoorn April 25th, 2013 17:35

ya, I have no semi with the piece glued there. while the glue is holding for now, when it breaks I'll use a screw... if i don't have replacement parts by then...
Thanks Hectic, While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull :)

Hectic April 25th, 2013 17:59

I try to be lol.
Been workin on at least breakin my posts down into paragraphs so folks can read em without their heads exploding lol.
Im a little beter on the computer but on the phone (most of the time im just usin my phone) i ramble on and on lol.
You gave me another line to add to my sig thanks lol.

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