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yan101 March 19th, 2013 17:26


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1774547)
Big dudes....

If you're going all future-fantasy land..You might want to take a look at some of the builds a guy in the UK (or US?) did. I think he was called Candyman. He used 249 mechboxes and PVC piping I think.

Let me look

Not him...but neat stuff...

*** Killbucket ****
This is the guy...he's built some pretty wild stuff and has plans posted for public consumption. I don't think he has kits...I know lots of guys were asking for them long ago.

He have a lot of interesting stuff.
I wonder if any one here as done business with him

Danke March 19th, 2013 18:22

He's kind of out of the airsoft loop. He was handbuilding for local folks in the USA and then posting his builds and guides to a few websites but then he dropped off the map.

The last time he showed up was when someone poached one of his guides and was passing it off as their work.

yan101 March 21st, 2013 08:49

From what the different picture I saw, I think I have expensive taste... minigun, browning 1919,...

So I was thinking of ''making one''. Or more exactly, building around a existing frame.

What would be a good base to start?
-m4 : lots of available parts
-m249: already the right type of weapon

the m249 gearbox look a lot simpler to work, compare to my v3 (no trigger in the ways, removable ''tension spring''). Have'nt see how the gear stop turning in the right position (in v3 the trigger is deactivated when the knob on the ''piston'' gear it the ''trigger mechanism'') so the piston is at is most forward position.

From what I saw (youtube video...) it used all the same internal parts (same gears, piston,...).

any suggestion?
ps sorry for all the bad technical term, I should get better soon

m102404 March 21st, 2013 09:00

The 249 is basically a "brick" it's definitely more generic to work with re. space/layout. I suppose any mechbox can be modded to be activated by a switch (so no trigger worries) but with the 249 box you're half way there. There is no semi on a it's full auto only and the piston is basically going to stop wherever it will just after you release the trigger. Technically you could just remove the gear stop and it would "unwind" as the piston is pushed forward.

Also...the hopup is basically a cylinder with a hole in the side for feeding...whereas many other hopups are bottom fed (because they're meant to be fed from a traditional mag).

From what you've described in that might actually be better off using the internals from a 249 and the outer from something else like a big water gun or nerf gun.

scubasteve March 21st, 2013 14:58


Originally Posted by Dustin_d (Post 1774446)
i dont know about you but carrying around a heavy gun for 5-6 hours (longer if its a milsim op) doesnt sound to pleasing to me.
Im 6'6 220lbs and run an M16/FNC

Height and weight doesnt have much to do with anything. I'm heavier then TC and am only 5'8 160lbs and we both handle our 249s just fine.

ThunderCactus March 21st, 2013 15:29

And for 24hrs, or 3 days of claybank, not just 5-6 hours lol

yan101 March 22nd, 2013 08:17

m249 gearbox seem to be rare...
new or used.

Forever_kaos March 22nd, 2013 08:57

Contact Leecas, he built up one already;


ThunderCactus March 22nd, 2013 09:21


Originally Posted by yan101 (Post 1775674)
m249 gearbox seem to be rare...
new or used.

Because you can't break the CA style ones, no need to sell new ones
And G&P just uses a stock V2

Alternatively you could try using an M14 or P90 mechbox
V3 would work too since it has a motor cage

Ricochet March 22nd, 2013 09:22

Not really. They're not as common as say a V2, but they can be ordered. I've carried an airsoft vulcan cannon (mini gun), they are extremely heavy, and very difficult to shoot. Homemade won't suit you, and is hard to pass off for use. A mini gun system uses an electric system to rotate and time the barrels, and a gas one to propel the BB. The weapon assembly weighs in around 50 pounds, that's not including the backpack you may want to run for extra battery and gas, as well as BB feeding; so your gun can shoot for more than 5 minutes before reloading everything. They are very cool, but mostly useless and you wouldn't want to carry one for more than a quick scrim, even if you're incredibly fit and built. On top of that, they aren't very accurate.

At least with an M249, M60, RPK, etc, you can upgrade them to take the punishment, be more accurate and take weapon sights, etc. also, whichever gun you do use you'll want to be able to shoot it, and dump a ton of money into completely upgrading, tuning, and keeping it perfect. 99 out of 100 LMGs on the field do not out range, have better accuracy, or have as good of a rate of fire as your average assault platform. If your gun isn't all that it can be, then your average M4 will keep your head down, and move in on you, quickly killing you before you are even a threat. After an hour or two when your tired of carrying the thing around, you still are only useful if you can bust your ass to the front line and provide support fire before the battle is done.

As for build, I'd take Thunder Cactus's advice. He's had one of the few I've seen that was worth its salt.

ThunderCactus March 22nd, 2013 10:27

As far as keeping people's heads down, I've kept 2-3 people suppressed with a bolt action rifle before. High accuracy inspires just as much fear as a torrential downpour of ammo it seems

scubasteve March 22nd, 2013 14:16

Except torrential downpour is alot funner :)

coach March 22nd, 2013 15:21


Originally Posted by scubasteve (Post 1775792)
Except torrential downpour is alot funner :)

Especially when you can shoot standing up, SAW/LMG at your hip, cigar hanging out your mouth, laughing your ass off.

BA, not as much fun!

yan101 March 22nd, 2013 15:31


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1775824)
Especially when you can shoot standing up, SAW/LMG at your hip, cigar hanging out your mouth, laughing your ass off.

BA, not as much fun!

guess I'll have to start smoking again

Ricochet March 22nd, 2013 16:24

Hard to enjoy a nice downpour when BA keeps cutting it short.

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