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Acid_Snake May 29th, 2012 11:48


Originally Posted by Mordarski J.A. (Post 1659461)
Velcro isn't exactly "tactical" at night, you could hear someone opening a pocket from a mile away.....the current buttons work perfectly to combat that.

But this is quickly turning into a conversation far away from the original question.

That's why you don't put the important shit you would need to access quietly during a night op in your arm pockets.

Armyissue May 29th, 2012 17:34

Sexy Boots, These are supposed to be the latest stuff for A-Stan on Canadian Stores Shelves

Tactcool Velcro is of great concern it may give away your position as your Bison throws a 3km Rooster tail in the desert. Or right after the Section fires its first 1000rd volley.
The new uniform is designed for the army, not Ninjas.
The benifits of the velcro out weigh the Ninja button system.
Dude I sell Pants, if your Op requires uber Stealthy then Solid metal Gear Snake shit go fkn buy it at the Ninja store, this is an Army Uniform.

marac May 29th, 2012 19:51

Those are the right boots, they come dark brown and yet after a month of wearing them in the desert they turn out much brighter.

Tom Swift May 29th, 2012 20:13

That ECU top looks like quite an improvement on the ICU unveiled a while back, I'm actually excited for these new uniforms.

Huron May 29th, 2012 20:56

In all honesty they should just adopt the DZ Tactical Ops set, pant and shirt. It seems to do just about everything right.

Link for posterity:

pugs144 May 30th, 2012 11:31

I. Hate. Velcro.

ViR May 30th, 2012 14:01


Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded (Post 1659848)
In all honesty they should just adopt the DZ Tactical Ops set, pant and shirt. It seems to do just about everything right.

Link for posterity:

Seems like regular mortals can't buy it.. not listed on their online store.

pugs144 June 1st, 2012 15:20

One of my Tp Sgt's couldn't get his old combats exchanged at Base Clothing because they didn't have his size. Apparently they will or have already stopped production of the current-style combats. Anybody have any similar experiences.

Kokanee June 1st, 2012 17:30


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1661181)
One of my Tp Sgt's couldn't get his old combats exchanged at Base Clothing because they didn't have his size. Apparently they will or have already stopped production of the current-style combats. Anybody have any similar experiences.

Yep, have been out of stock here in Kingston for my pants for over a year - my combats are starting to get a little "salty" for my tastes.

Going to Petawawa end of month, will try @ their clothing stores to exchange two of my three sets. They should have better stock.

scottyfox June 1st, 2012 18:45

At CANSEC saw a shit tonne of guys in the brown boots but didn't notice their uniforms. Also saw a CJIRU guy in the new urban disruptive deal.

PrIeSt June 1st, 2012 22:30

Well airforce will get the new shit last. And we can't get the old shit anymore.

Gonna be a raggedy ass military by 2013. Lol

Mordarski J.A. June 4th, 2012 20:28

They'll always say "Air Force will get last", but it's been my experience that they somehow get all the Gucci stuff early. Hell, when we were first being issued CADPAT (when I was in) we were one of the last Regiments to get it AND IT WAS MADE IN WINNIPEG!!

Then again, I griped because I had just been issued brand new OD pants three weeks before and had just got them broken in LOL.

PrIeSt June 5th, 2012 01:48

I do believe the airforce designed the new cadpat uniform. So it was ours first :P

Larocque88 June 6th, 2012 02:12


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1661221)

Going to Petawawa end of month, will try @ their clothing stores to exchange two of my three sets. They should have better stock.

SOL unless you come in size big fucker or small child.

marac June 6th, 2012 11:59

Rain gear was the same story - while we were wearing good ole tarps to the field, the airforce guys would strut around in brand new cadpat rain suit, showing off its effectiveness inside the building. The chain of events will probably repeat itself with new combats: air force - army - airsofters/paintballers - reserves.

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