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Scouser May 2nd, 2011 16:56


Originally Posted by airsoftNL (Post 1458039)
y is everyone on this site a douche!i thought the airsoft community was suppost to be nice!

nice? that why we run around shooting each other on weekends?

airsoftNL May 2nd, 2011 16:57

(idk)who u think u are i dont care if u delete my account or anything cause i will find the number of your office and i willll contact your boss and try myy hardest to get you in shit !so if u think of being inappropreite and deleteing my account because of a simple word then i have to say 3 words (i dare you!)

Spike May 2nd, 2011 16:58

...I hope you're trolling.

SHaKaL May 2nd, 2011 16:58


Originally Posted by airsoftNL (Post 1458058)
(idk)who u think u are i dont care if u delete my account or anything cause i will find the number of your office and i willll contact your boss and try myy hardest to get you in shit !so if u think of being inappropreite and deleteing my account because of a simple word then i have to say 3 words (i dear you!)

Learn to fucking spell.
You're what? 12?

Brian McIlmoyle May 2nd, 2011 16:58


Originally Posted by airsoftNL (Post 1458058)
(idk)who u think u are i dont care if u delete my account or anything cause i will find the number of your office and i willll contact your boss and try myy hardest to get you in shit !so if u think of being inappropreite and deleteing my account because of a simple word then i have to say 3 words (i dear you!)

What is that whistling sound?......

Disco_Dante May 2nd, 2011 16:59


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1458061)
What is that whistling sound?......

It sounds kind of like little girls having a temper tantrum. Just sort of a high pitched noise on the edge of my hearing.


Originally Posted by airsoftNL (Post 1458058)
(idk)who u think u are i dont care if u delete my account or anything cause i will find the number of your office and i willll contact your boss and try myy hardest to get you in shit !so if u think of being inappropreite and deleteing my account because of a simple word then i have to say 3 words (i dare you!)


Tell them I've been real bad.

airsoftNL May 2nd, 2011 16:59

ahah he deleted my comment ahah child!

MadMorbius May 2nd, 2011 17:01


Originally Posted by airsoftNL (Post 1458058)
(idk)who u think u are i dont care if u delete my account or anything cause i will find the number of your office and i willll contact your boss and try myy hardest to get you in shit !so if u think of being inappropreite and deleteing my account because of a simple word then i have to say 3 words (i dare you!)

Actually, I'll ban you for being a fucking idiot.

Do your worst, internet-sleuth-toughguy.


BooKoo May 2nd, 2011 17:11


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 1458066)
ACtually, I'll ban you for being a fucking idiot.

Do your worst, internet-sleuth-toughguy.


That is pure awesome.

Amos May 2nd, 2011 17:22

ITT: A big deal over slang terminology.

Don't worry guys, I'm gonna pop a clip into my sniper, aim down my laser red hot sight and pwn noobs.

I mean this all as literal as possible.

Scouser May 2nd, 2011 17:28

A most judicious implementation of the ban hammer.....Thor would be proud.

edit: hrm...on a side note....wonder if ehobby is going to make a nylon fiber thor hammer like they did the cap shield.....seeing ASC mods getting mercy kills at an op while wielding those things would be priceless

Schlyder May 2nd, 2011 17:31


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1458061)
What is that whistling sound?......

Incoming Banhammer hahahahahahahaha

Drake May 2nd, 2011 17:41


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 1458066)
Actually, I'll ban you for being a fucking idiot.

Do your worst, internet-sleuth-toughguy.


hahaha what an idiot

I dunno how good his sleuth skills are, but mine tell me his name is Ryan Madden -- so heads up to the NL community.

Oh and don't waste your time meeting with an Age Verifier, Ryan. Just sayin'.

Jimski May 2nd, 2011 17:49

this thread is amazing


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1458086)
Don't worry guys, I'm gonna pop a clip into my sniper, aim down my laser red hot sight and pwn noobs.

you would of to make it cross the boarder

MadMax May 2nd, 2011 18:22

I think the mess comes from the misconception that sniper rifles are a particular exclusive subset of rifles. Historically, sniper's rifles were generally accurate hunting rifles which exceeded the consistency of general army issue firearms. In an early era when the first very accurate rifles were fired alongside smoothbore muskets the distinction was clear because general issue firearms were cheap to make in large quantity. Later on, rifles were more widely issued which featured certain tradeoffs in their design which facilitated manufacturing but sometimes at the cost of optimal accuracy so those particularly interested in accuracy brought out militarized hunting rifles.

You can snipe with pretty much anything if you clean it up and you have the skills. Take Mr. Hathcock for example. In Vietnam, he would sometimes shoot a cleaned up tripodded M2 because the tripod provided a very stable platform to huck huge BMG50 rounds over very long range accurately and BMG50 has excellent ballistics at long range. Does that make the M2 a sniper rifle?

I suggest that the term "sniper rifle" should not be used in airsoft where our ballistics are so crummy. Fieldcraft and ability to read the immediate conditions for a shot make a sniper, especially in our game, more than the rifle which might be specifically a bolt action rifle. I would say that if you took a really well tuned BA airsoft rifle and hand it to a goofball, the rifle loses it's status as a sniper rifle because of the inadequacies of it's bearer.

With RS things are a fair bit different. I got to shoot a Barret MRAD once which had been dialed in by none other than Chris Barret who was my spotter. Following his spotting instructions the rifle landed hits on a 1' steel plate at 1000yd on 2 out of 3 of my very inexperienced shots. That gun was an awesome BA sniper rifle because the spotter and rifle made the shot despite my inadequacies.

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