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Yannos March 24th, 2011 19:12

Frozen: Just buy some FSBE II of SFLCS :p

Conker March 28th, 2011 00:39

I posted that on another forum but I guess more opinions can't hurt! This is my planned kitlist for my MSOB late 2009-early 2010 (my refpics are mainly from nov 09 to feb 10). Opinions are welcome. I'm still missing some of that stuff, either on its way or that I still need to order.

* are replicas.

MICH2000*, painted FDE-ish
Norotos 3-hole, unpainted
Norotos TATM long, unpainted
VIPIR (screwed on with the rear harness screw)
1in IR square on top
Surefire HL1 tan
Skydex Straps & fixations
Skydex Pads
FDE-ish paint
Callsign painted on the side (parallell to the ears)

1st line
Spec-Ops Gear Rigger's belt (tan)
CSM Dump pouch
Blade-Tech 1911 noir + peinture FDE-ish unie
3x .45 mags on a dive belt adapter
Gerber multitool

2nd line
(setup isn't defined yet, but it'll all be FSBEII. MBITR will be on the front right cummerband, with antenna on the back wired withs the MAST. I'll probably have the Nimvarus on the internal flap (front panel, behind the cummburbund)
IR flag on admin pouch

3rd line
None planned for now

Oakley gloves* tan
Bates USMC 8XXX (forgot which model #, but they're the Goretex ones)
Woodland MARPAT MCUU with IR flag on the left, flightpatch on the right

MSA Sordin*
TEA Universal*
MBITR* (United Star)
Blade antenna* (United Star)
M-Frames Ballistic 2.0 (smoked lens)

CQBR 10.5*
Crosse 5 pos (standard, not crane)*
ARMS #40*
AN/PEQ-15* (will be swapped for PEQ-16)
ASAP plate (it is that wrong?)
SpecterDR* + Adapter + Docter*

1911 MEU


As far as the sling goes, I don't want the CSM CIRAS sling and I want to replace my current MS2. I was thinking of the VTAC or Vickers slings... Ideas?


To be honest I wanted my kit to be as modern as possible while still being CB (and documented with pics as much as possible)

Opinions, insults, comments and wedding requests (in case there's such thing as a female geardo) are highly encouraged.

Conker March 28th, 2011 14:35

Oh, and just got my CIRAS! And I won my bet (wasn't sure if it was CB or MJK from the pics...)

It's an early FSBEII (green tag) in pretty good shape too!

mchlman March 28th, 2011 20:27

Sounds slick, while your at it, have you thought about a Garmin? And what type of paint are you using on your helmet?

Conker March 28th, 2011 22:44

Green tag
The tag is worn, but... can't mistake it for anything else!

The pouches came mounted on the CIRAS and are BLACKHAWK! (triple) and probably civilian EI (there's no tag) for the double.

The lot came from a 2nd Force Recon operator.

FOX_111 March 28th, 2011 23:32

Good find.
How much the multitool worth?
Mine is busted and I want a new one.

Trzewinski March 29th, 2011 09:30

Nice catch Conker.

U should make a Force Recon loadout with this beauty, instead of MSOB :p

Yannos March 29th, 2011 14:35

Why a FR instead of MSOB?
I we like MSOB :p

Conker March 29th, 2011 14:51

@Trzewinski: Haha when Vince saw the green tag, he said exactly the same :D
But yeah... considering how far into the MSOB I'm right now, I better not change my mind LOL!

Also, that just got posted as MARSOC over on Gearsoc... I'm.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that's even worse than MJK :(

Yannos March 29th, 2011 17:17

That's like the Future soldier thing that will never see battlefield lol.

Anyways, 2 Garage pics and Full gear list later tonight!

Yannos March 29th, 2011 17:56

So here's the kit list:
Everything with a * is a replica

SDS Medium MICH 2000
3 Hole NOROTOS Shroud*
Norotos Rhino Arm
Surefire HL1-C-TN
Goggle retention straps

1st Line
FSBE II WarBelT/Suspenders
FSBE II Leg panel
FSBE II Single M4 Mag Pouch
FSBE II Grenade Pouch X2
FSBE II .45 Mag Pouch X4
Dump Pouch* (CSM one is spotted and will buy soon)
FSBE II Weapon Slung
Drop Leg Adapter* (still didn't find a FSBE II one yet)
Safariland 6004 for M1911
Benchmade NIMVARIUS FR/MSOB edition
FSBE II E&R pack filled with Civvie med stock and blue gloves

2nd Line:
EI Land CIRAS in MJK (Got this in a kit with FSBE II)
FSBE II Admin w/ Light holder
FSBE II Single M4 Mag pouch X2
FSBE II Tripple Shingle
FSBE II Grenade pouch
FSBE II Flash Grenade Pouch X2
FSBE II M60 Pouch (General purpose)
FSBE II Medic pouch with Medic stuff in it
FSBE II Hydration Carrier
Personal retention lanyard*
NAC sling* (My real NAC is on its way)

3rd Line:
FSBE II Patrol Pack
FSBE II M60 Pouch
FSBE II Canteen
FSBE II Grenade pouch
FSBE II Smoke Grenade pouch
FSBE II Flash Grenade Pouch

Balaclava (Not pictured)
Frog Gloves (Not Pictured)
MARPAT WD MCUU (Not Pictured)
MARPAT Desert MCUU (Not Pictured
Tan Flight gloves
BATES USMC Goretex boots
Alta Knee Pad (Not Pictured)
MARPAT WD Boonie (Not Pictured)
MARPAT Desert Boonie (Not Pictured)

MSA Sordin
TEA Universal
PRC-148, Extention, WHIP Antenna*
SWAT Headset TASC (Not Pictured)

ESS Profil

Red Electrical tape on CIRAS (Don't ask why red.. lol)
Zip-ties on CIRAS

G&P WOC With RA-Tech internals 14.5
Madbull DD M4A1 RIS II FDE 12 inch*
Eotech 553 sand*
Random 290 Lumens carbine light*
LE 6 pos Stock*
KAC RIS front sight*
KAC foregrip*

To buy for my M4:
SpecterDr 1x-4x
Maybe a PEQ-16
Double Pressure Pad
Crane Stock (Already "bought")


Socom gear CQB Elite... to be eventually Changed buy a TM MEU with a NOVA MEU Kit.

Now Place for some Garage Pics! LOL Just took them earlier.

Vince March 29th, 2011 19:40

Your Frog looks a weeeeee bit large for you and also why use the flap on the 45 pouches? That kinda defeats the purpose of having kydex pouches

But nice kit

Vince March 29th, 2011 19:42


Originally Posted by Yannos (Post 1438255)
Why a FR instead of MSOB?
I we like MSOB :p

Green tag buddy, and FR are like the shiznit

DaRkCoMmAnDo March 29th, 2011 19:44

Fuckin awesome Yannos. And yeah Conker moar pics! I'll have to throw a pic of my fail impression up soon, its coming along super slow because I'm blowing all my money on life :(

Conker March 29th, 2011 19:49

Good thing I don't have a life :p

Yeah I'll post more pics after schoolwork ;)

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