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philster911 October 31st, 2011 12:11


Originally Posted by Wantabe_Warrior (Post 1554314)
Cake! It's a Lie!

You've got paintball mags in that rig, Philster!

Maybe because im playing paintball weekly, yet i still have my G&P WOC packing dust in the closet... lol

Conker October 31st, 2011 12:22

Lowpro plate carrier with on the front: 2 single mag pouches (that fit 2 each, so 4) + radio pouch + 2 pistols mags or 2 frags on the upper area
With at the waist, 2 kydex M4 mag holders (or FASTMAG or similar)

Gives a 4+1 setup, which should be more than enough if you don't run around spraying'n'praying.

Hell often I use about 3 mags in a whole 8 hour game, and that is NOT because I've spent the whole day camping and eating Dorritos.

My current setup (pics soon) is an RBAV with 5+1 at the front, and 4 on the back so if I ever run out of mags, a buddy will be able to give me those I have at the back. That gives more than enough ammo while keeping the profile quite slick.

philster911 October 31st, 2011 15:08

Update again, took pics outside, with all my stuff (excuse the paintball gun and paintball mags, but that's my milsim paintball setup, so...)
Double sewn a velcro panel on my utility pouch this morning (thanks to my mom's sewing machine) and made some changes according to milan's advices, that's how it looks:

Added in picture: Salomon Viaggio Mid GTX (awesome ultralight goretex boots for 110$), MSA sordin w/ TEA, PACA, ILBE pack, EI fanny pack for medical supplies.

And FYI: No there's no hopper on my paintball gun, it's called a magfed gun, and I dont have a spooky HPA bottle hanging in my back with a remote, I'm running 2 little 13/3000 HPA bottles that I directly connect on my gun, so I can switch hands whenever I want, and dont have that bulky remote restraining my movements, and can shoulder my weapon properly because the HPA bottle is lower than my stock. Can only shoot about 90 balls per bottle, but it's totally worth it.

MilanWG November 1st, 2011 22:52

philster911, great work bud!

Isn't sewing fun? :) LOL

Gato November 2nd, 2011 00:00


Originally Posted by ILL KILL YOU TOO (Post 1554331)

I don't know if I consider it "better", because I already went threw 2 Cavalvy PTT in a span of 2 games. When I was using my xbox head set I went threw 2 head set in a span of countless game with in a year.

I was reffering to the vest

My gear, minus Issued vest and Chicom, we all know what that look like.

hot_shot under fire November 2nd, 2011 17:04

Nothing too fancy. Working on an A-TACS loadout, so this is what I’m running at the moment.

-TAG Banshee Rifle Plate Carrier (A-TACS)
-TAG M4/M16 6x Magazine Pouch (A-TACS)
-Ares Armor 3x4 GP Pouch (A-TACS)
-Lennox Nametapes
-Major Rank Insignia
-2’ Zip-Ties
-Tan/Black Shemagh
-Buck USA folding knife
-Halo 3 Magnum (For shits and giggles)

Just for clarification, the “Lennox” nametapes with the Major rank insignia is part of my Transformers Lennox loadout impression that I’m working on.

I’ll update later once I have my hydration equipment and my SORD Admin Pouch.


sarosh November 10th, 2011 21:03


Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN (Post 1551567)

Is that the LVS-PC LOW VIS SLICK PLATE CARRIER? and on the website the pic doesnt show webbing on front, what extra did you have to buy for that?

thanks tm

MilanWG November 10th, 2011 21:05


All I did was remove the cummerbund - that's why it looks different.

Let me know if I can help out any other way.

sarosh November 10th, 2011 21:13

Ah ok thanks, it looks amazing!

MASAKO November 10th, 2011 22:40

nothing fancy but it's all real and work well.

Cilantro November 10th, 2011 23:18


Originally Posted by MASAKO (Post 1559522)
nothing fancy but it's all real and work well.

Masako, how do you like that camelbak? I was gonna get one, but thought it would be a bit small for anything more than a day's hiking, so I got a Hawg instead. Still thinking of picking one up for the wife or for solo treks/runs.

MASAKO November 10th, 2011 23:31


Originally Posted by Cilantro (Post 1559546)
Masako, how do you like that camelbak? I was gonna get one, but thought it would be a bit small for anything more than a day's hiking, so I got a Hawg instead. Still thinking of picking one up for the wife or for solo treks/runs.

camelbak, well I like all their product, I have two in my closet but more or less I never get to use them out of their intense due to job and availability of usage in my location.

By the way, it's pretty much as you mention above. The one i have is good enough for like a day's hiking, it's only can store 3 L worth of water and an extra pouch fit a few small stuff and snack but since I need to carry my claymore in the game, I add another utility pouch over the original pouch for extra space. That's why I like about the molle system, you can pretty much custom anything you want.

MilanWG November 12th, 2011 15:29

Eagle rig + all pouches are Paraclete.

FOX_111 November 12th, 2011 15:54

That would work well for a sniper!
I like it a lot.

MMatersk November 21st, 2011 02:43

Where can I find these plastic ties online? or in the GTA?



Originally Posted by philster911 (Post 1554241)
Totally understand you. They're sexy as fuck. Slicks FTW.
EDIT: Just followed Milan's advice:

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