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Yannos March 10th, 2011 22:40

I have 2 source bladder right now, one from a long time ago with conker, he ordered 2 SOURCE hydration carrier USMC Issued and bladders where included.

I thin the SOURCE are pretty well built. I have a Camelback too and the SOURCE one feels more solid and look and feel more regid.

Pics of the CIRAS setup to come real soon. There is still a couple of thing I am not sure about liek the M60 pouch.

Yannos March 10th, 2011 23:28


Conker March 10th, 2011 23:29


Yannos March 10th, 2011 23:35


Conker March 13th, 2011 19:01

For those who don't keep an eye on the France-Airsoft MARSOC thread, see here:

The pics (this is a french reenactor's setup)

That's pretty much what I'm going for. Differences I plan are the PVS14 TATM (he's got the PVS15 version) and a Blade-Tech holster instead of the Serpa. Probably Hatch gloves and VIP on the MICH. Otherwise should be pretty similar to this.

JohnGol10 March 13th, 2011 20:56

Holy shit, that looks awesome!

Don't you need an MBAV/EPC though?

Conker March 13th, 2011 23:38

Yeah I do. Either CIRAS or MBAV. The first I can find :P

JohnGol10 March 14th, 2011 00:51

Oh cool. Well good luck anyway man, I'll be on the lookout and hit you up if I find something. ;)

attack-beaver March 14th, 2011 15:10

so would greniders normally put the 40mm's on their first or second line or just up to what ever they feel more comfortable with?

Conker March 14th, 2011 15:15

Most recent A-stan pics show them wearing 40mm belts. Tactical Tailor seems pretty popular with Marines, so that'd be a good bet considering there's no such issued belt.

Or that guy preffered M203 pouches on his dropleg panel, but the carrying capacity is lower and IMHO it's more cumbersome:

attack-beaver March 14th, 2011 19:06

ic ic just not super keen with them there. id much rather have them on my 2nd line but oo well.

-Skeletor- March 14th, 2011 21:04

Belts are the way to go. Saves room on your LBE, plus the biggest thing is if the grenaider goes down, someone can grab his weapon and the 40mm belt easily and carry on. You don't want to loose that weapon in a fight. Plus if guy's switch roles, it's an easier swap.

CP Gear makes a good 40mm belt.

Yannos March 15th, 2011 15:05

^^ Yup, and easier to share with other Grenadier.

Brakoo March 15th, 2011 23:27

MFR inspired 1st line :

FSBE War belt with FSBE suspenders
Safariland 6004 with FSBE dropleg adapter
Gemtech lanyard
CSM dump pouch
FSBE leg panel :
-2 x FSBE flashbang pouch
-2 x FSBE .45 pouch
-2 x FSBE M4 mag pouch

Conker March 17th, 2011 15:23

Niiice Brakoo! I'm personally not a fan of having primary mags on the drop-leg, I find this too heavy and uncomfortable... but that's personal preference. otherwise looking great, and props to you for finally finding that goddamn dropleg adapter!

Also some pics regarding Shakal's question on painted guns. These are all MARSOC except two that are unsure (might be Recon Btn). They're all ranging from 2007 o 2011.

But there's still many unpainted guns, but both works.

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