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Hughes May 21st, 2014 19:20

She's all done minus an optic(maybe), a tune up from my tech, and to get my old HPA tanks hydro tested
Thanks guys, much appreciated!

note: the bipod is for show

Spike May 21st, 2014 20:01


Originally Posted by Hughes (Post 1890652)
She's all done minus an optic(maybe), and a tune up from my tech
Nevermind me.. I still dont know how to post photos properly lol
aaand the quality dropped

right click on picture
copy image URL

paste between this:

[img] (URL goes here) [ /img] <take out that space

Wilkie May 21st, 2014 20:11

There should be a box with 4 different codes on the none mobile site, just copy the [IMG] code

Looking great though!

Ninja_En_Short May 22nd, 2014 01:23


Originally Posted by Hughes (Post 1890652)

Wow, how did you managed to get the CASV mountef on a L85 ??? :confused:

Hughes May 22nd, 2014 02:17

I just had to measure where it's going to sit and file a notch on the dovetail for the rear screw. The front screw is just clear enough to clamp on without any modifications
I've seen a mod where holes are drilled and the hinge pins are screwed through the body for additional support. That requires more filing on the CASV to sit flush with the gun though
The hard only hard part was knocking out the pin for the gas block, it put up a fight lol

Edit: the other hard part was shipping it to the US for so long and having it get seized. Well, until my brother-in law called his friends in the CBSA :D

vicjay October 27th, 2014 02:51

If anyone can help me to locate the quad rail of the one showed on the following youtube video? Thank you in advance.

Ninja_En_Short October 27th, 2014 16:24

DBoys makes an M4 CASV, I think it can be found on rsov. King Arms also used to make one.

For the real one you'll have to look for the Actual Troy CASV which is not that expensive either.

professionalnewguy November 20th, 2014 23:59

I'm picking up a cybergun famas in about a month. Would prefer the f2000, but at double the price point, it's definitely a gun for another day.

infernau February 1st, 2015 12:50

G&G FN 2000 issues?
For those shooters using a G&G FN 2000 and only have safe and full auto, fell free to have a look that this link.

The friendly guys over at A.B.C. on facebook

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