View Poll Results: What Eye Protection Do You Wear?
Mask (Paintball, Airsoft...)
-Trooper-, amano999, c3sk, Donster, kilolima, Ktown Militia, Luckless, NoobSchoolBus, ownzyouall, Proteus, Redneck Jimbo, Relja, sdsbwc, skalnok, theguy, vam907, Wrath144
17 |
30.36% |
-Per-, -smitty-, -SWAT-, .:Seaforth:., acidpunk, Aegiis, Auklin, baker_Jeff, Batchokookies, Bissa, Cheeseduck, Curtis Tactics, Dao, dpvu, Girock, Greenwolf, Jimski, KND, KNIVEZS, ledor473, LeetG, LeGROS, LUTNIT, Monster1325, Qlong, ShelledPants, Shirley, spl01t77, surebet, TCLP, tentacle, Tiptoe, trevor, Voice of Reason, Yannos
35 |
62.50% |
4 |
7.14% |
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