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Old March 20th, 2014, 02:51   #42
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Location: North York, Ontario
Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
I beg to differ. Number two is fucking the dog. Staring lovingly into number one's neck hair.

One should take a knee, lean the corner, two should place his nuts on one's back, gun over gun, two eyes are better than one.

Number three is also fucking the dog, shit eating grin, ear to ear.

If the goal is to hold the corner, his eyes should be rearward giving security, this is all assuming a three man team like the picture.

In a four man, number three is calling the shots, and four is looking to the rear.
Right in the corner of the picture, you can see a leg, presumably Number 4 providing the mentioned rearward security. This is also a still shot, we have no idea what they were in the middle of. As Jeroon also mentioned, MP's.....

I'm no expert and it was a number of year back, but I remember being explicitly told not to take a knee unless I had to to utilize cover, that the time it would take to get up and move, while minimal, was unacceptable.

Having done Simunition CQB, I've noticed more people taking knees taking rounds than those who remain standing.

While I'm no expert, not combat arms and not a CQB instructor, I did sit through this bullshit on SQ, a few other occasions and put it to use on one of the MAPLE DEFENDER. Each of those times, with the exception of utilizing low cover, no one takes a knee. If someone with REAL credentials wants to correct me, please do so, I'm always down for updating what I know, but COD, ARMA, Chris Costa videos and Lone Survivor type movies are not credentials.

I'll leave an excerpt of something mentioned on another forum I frequent:

"In close range reactive shooting, the marksmanship issue is not challenging. What is challenging is the time interval available to you for shooting, as well as evasion of the adversary's muzzle. The target zone is quite generous: think of the size of a man's torso at 7 yards.

So we give up things that will slow us down, and accept a lessened degree of necessary accuracy. Gone are the supported positions such as prone and kneeling. All shooting here is done on your feet. And those feet are As we learned in training and in battle...standing still when rounds are coming towards you is a foolish practice. And during all of this, we see a pressing need to hit he who is trying to kill us."
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; March 20th, 2014 at 02:59..
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